Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Black Hole of Resumania

Just a few months ago, I blogged about being concerned that my resume wasn't even making it to a supervisor's desk for consideration. It's rare you receive a correspondence rejecting you, and it's bizarre that such a response would actually be relieving. Unfortunately, it seems this is the case for just about every unemployed worker out there.

CNN has immersed itself in the unemployment issue and followed a number of people who have been without a job for longer than six months. They are going through the same thing as us, and it's becoming increasingly frustrating as our resumes are being sucked into the Internet's black hole...

Ever applied to a job online only to have your résumé seemingly vanish into a void?

From crafting a winning cover letter to acing an interview, landing a job is tough enough in this market. But millions of job seekers can't even get a foot in the door as they apply to countless positions and seldom hear anything in response.

The story goes on to talk about how most employers are bombarded with e-mailed resumes and usually click through the first 20 or so before discarding the remaining 400. That's messed up. What's the point of trying to find work anymore? There really isn't a reason. Instead of searching for sustainable work, I think it's time to to start pulling job applications from Shop 'n Save, Home Depot and Kmart.

It seems there's no need to waste any more time looking for a job.

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