"As a veteran, I believe that any veteran lending their name, to promote the leftist propaganda of global warming and climate change, in an effort to control more of the wealth created in our economy, through cap and tax type policies, all in the name of national security, is a traitor to the oath he or she took to defend the Constitution of our great nation! Remember Benedict Arnold before giving credibility to a veteran who uses their service as a means to promote a leftist agenda. Drill Baby Drill!!!"
Now, technically Rep. Metcalfe, R-Cranberry, is an Army veteran. I spoke to a polite receptionist at his district office this afternoon and she said he served during the early 1980s in the dangerous battle zone of Germany. She couldn't tell me his rank when he retired in 1984. However, when I pushed the woman on the "traitor" issue, she agreed that these veterans are indeed traitors to the United States because they are endorsing legislation that could restrict coal mining. WOW. She offered a caveat that this is a free country and people can say anything they wish. You're right. That's why I'm writing on my blog that your boss is a flaming idiot.
Well, what if these veterans were touting pro-choice rights, I asked her. Anyone pushing a leftist agenda is a traitor, she responded. WOW.
Metcalfe, of course, is the same bonehead who opposed legislation to promote a Domestic Violence Month in the state because he was concerned that the resolution also recognized abused men. He assumed that meant it covered homosexual men, and that just wouldn't fly with him. WOW. This guy can't honestly believe half of what he says... right?
Although I doubt many who read this blog are in Metcalfe's district, I'll offer a couple of phone numbers for anyone else offended by this idiot's tired act. The Cranberry office is (724) 772-3110 and Harrisburg office is (717) 783-1707, or you can e-mail him directly at dmetcalf@pahousegop.com. The stupidity in this country is increasing each day, and it shouldn't be surprising when we elect ignorant morons like Metcalfe to represent us.
Awesome! If there was a "thumbs up" button, it would be pressed my friend.
ReplyDeleteIt's remarkable this jackass has a job and we're still in the bread line. UNBELIEVABLE!!!
ReplyDeleteI should also note that President Obama honored 86 Vietnam veterans yesterday.
They're true patriots - regardless of their personal or political beliefs - unlike this un-American piece of garbage who thinks he can slam anyone who doesn't agree with his warped view of reality. You can argue policy all you want, but when you throw vets under the bus, you're the real traitor.
And I love it when people rationalize their ignorance by pleading the First Amendment.
ReplyDeleteThe great thing about that amendment is you can hit them right back.
ReplyDeleteFabulous michael!
ReplyDeleteSubmit this to reddit (www.reddit.com) and let a bunch of strangers thumbs up it :-)
I know there's a lot - and a mean a whole lot - of competition, but he might be the biggest D-bag in the Legislature.
ReplyDeleteI sit directly across the aisle from Daryl. Let's just say there's never a dull moment.
ReplyDeleteI believe the original text of the First Amendment was "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, no matter how ridiculously stupid said people may be."
ReplyDeleteJesse, it must take tremendous restraint not to tell him right to his face that he's a retarded person.
ReplyDeleteI friended him on facebook just now...as soon as he reciprocates, shenanigans
ReplyDeleteJesse, he must make for an interesting conversation at the cooler. I know many of us have coworkers we can't stand, but this guy has to be the extreme case.
ReplyDeleteThe interactions could be a great study of sociology. Illuminating the douche. And E, if he does return the friend request, what ensues would be a hilarious blog entry, eh?
ReplyDeleteAmanda-- I promise, if anything remotely interesting comes of it, I will share... if it's like my whole "call tim murphy about being a birther" ordeal... then, well, much ado about nuffin'
ReplyDeleteI was listening to KDKA Radio this morning and some jagoffs were actually agreeing with this dude. Never ceases to amaze me. Are we all in a bubble over here, or what?
ReplyDeleteYeah, I made multiple contacts with Tim Murphy's office about the whole birther thing for a blog item I was doing. I explained that I was a newspaper editor and ALSO a resident of Murphy's district. Not a peep. He was as quiet as if he were hiding in a bookstore.
ReplyDeleteYeah, the intern I got on the phone turned it around on me... "What do YOU think about Obama's citizenship?"
ReplyDeleteUh... I think his mother was a unicorn and his dad was a Turkish prison guard... what the hell does it matter what I think?
UPDATE: Metcalfe got crushed in the Post-Gazette LTE's today. Usually, the P-G will balance out the reaction with both positive and negatives letters, but apparently they didn't receive any defending Metcalfe. Good...